Senior Yoga
Senior Yoga
Gentle Yoga/Stretch/Breath Classes for Seniors
We have a team of experienced yoga instructors who are trained to work with the senior population. We would like to offer classes that include breath, stretching, and gentle yoga poses for seniors standing or in chairs.
These classes can be 30-50 minutes, depending on your preference.

Benefits of these classes are:
- Reduces high blood pressure
- Promotes bone and joint health
- Provides social opportunities and positive interaction
- Facilitates deeper breathing to keep the mind
sharp, reduce anxiety, and promote relaxation - Boosts blood circulation
- Increase flexibility
- Strengthens core balance
- Increases overall health
Contact us today and schedule a consultation to discuss implementing a yoga/stretch program for your facility.
“I have been a seeker and I still am, but I stopped asking the books and the stars. I started listening to the teaching of my soul.”
— Rumi
Free Consultation
Contact us today for a free consultation. Fill out the form below:
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